
Who we are

Lo Podall is made up of people from different backgrounds who share a passion for outdoor sports and who love Pallars. Together they have fostered a spirit of volunteerism that has been able to create the network of trails in the territory.

The association was created in 2017, when a group of friends with the intention of organizing an annual ride through the area, the VIBIKE, began with the cleaning of old paths and trails, with the aim that the layout was as attractive as possible. In the following editions of the race, the cleaning and recovery of paths continued, making them more cycleable and fun.

This also made it possible to open new trails in order to connect the existing ones, always looking for the most interesting routes and landscapes possible. The result of all this activity is what today we call TERRITORI LO PODALL by INTENSE.


The quality of the trails, combined with the wide geological variety of the terrain, has led to well-known people in the world of mountain biking starting to come and ride bikes in the area, posting their videos on social networks and tagging to the Association.

This, and the fact that well-known brands from all over the world used the landscape settings of the Pyrenees and Montsec with the trails of the Lo Podall territory for their publications, has triggered a significant increase in followers and the influx of visitors to the area, attracting from expert sportsmen to family tourism, thanks to the diversity of the routes we offer.

In the last two years, hotel and restaurant bookings have also increased exponentially, as well as the influx of motorhomes and vans. Several reports and interviews in different media specialized in the world of mountain biking define the TERRITORI LO PODALL by INTENSE area as one of the best places in the country to practice this sport.


The project has a direct impact on municipalities in tourism growth mode. Overnight stays and visits to the municipality of Tremp have already been clearly increased by the cycling and nature-loving public, achieving a balance between sport, environment, society and economy.

Our source of food is the territory, the trails are part of it and that is why we are fully committed to respecting nature. The TERRITORI LO PODALL by INTENSE project is totally sustainable with our land.



The Lo Podall Association is working on the consolidation of the LO PODALL TERRITORY by INTENSE. These jobs consist of achieving the goals set in the matchfunding campaign that was carried out by Goteo in 2022 and from which money was collected for:

  • Network of agreements necessary to be able to publish the routes.
  • Outsource part of the maintenance work through local companies.
  • Create a web page with all the information about the association and the territory.
  • Elaborate signs with the plan of the existing trails.

The Lo Podall Association, in addition to creating and maintaining the trail network, has organized the TALARN VIBIKE MTB RIDE, the GEOBIKE PALLARS and LA TAMPANADA, a MTB march through the LO PODALL TERRITORY by INTENSE.