Environmental commitment

At Associació Lo Podall we are committed to the environment and its responsible management. We seek to create a network of paths that respect the environment and thus achieve a balance between sport, environment, society and economy.

This is how we share our environmental commitment:

  • Integrate environmental management and the concept of sustainable development in the creation of the road network, using documented environmental criteria in the planning and decision-making processes. We have a team with personnel trained in the aspect of the environment and its conservation in order to create a favorable working climate for the protection of the environment.
  • Make sustainable use of energy, water and raw materials resources in order to reduce and adapt to the effects of climate change and protect biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • Recover the paths in the way that erodes the land the least and always taking into account the impact generated by their recovery, as well as doing a good management of plant remains. The road recovery period is carried out when the soil moisture and ambient temperature are suitable, always trying to avoid periods of drought and risk of fire.
  • Use environmentally friendly products when recovering and opening roads, as well as trying to work with machinery that reduces all types of pollution.
  • Promote sensitization and awareness among all the members of the association and the users of the paths in general so that they respect the routes of the trails and do not create alternative routes or shortcuts, do not throw litter and respect the fauna and flora of the area, while improving day by day up to date this behavior of commitment to the natural environment.