Castell de Mur

Route that passes through old footpaths around Guàrdia de Noguera, Santa Llúcia and Castell de Mur. Good views of the Cellers, Mur and Montsec reservoir.

The first climb is the longest, combining track, road and finally trail. The first downhill trail, the Camí de la Censada, makes a detour with good views and some scrambling. Once in Santa Llúcia, we take the Canals fountain trail that passes by the church with some complicated sections but generally very fun. Once in the town of Guàrdia we can get water, we go back along the track and road to go down the Collmorter trail, very fun, with good views and some tricky steps.

The trails are varied both in terms of landscape and terrain. On wet days there can be mud in some sections, but generally they have good drainage.

On winter days and intense fog, the route can be completed perfectly, since most of it travels at height.

On winter days and intense fog, the route can be completed perfectly, since most of it travels at height. We do not present an alternative track.

Usually, the best conditions to do the full route are available all year round.

Usually, the best conditions to do the full route are available all year round.


Give way to other cyclists and walkers, warn of your arrival in time and slow down.

Do not scare the animals by shouting or making unnecessary noise. You are in their environment.

Take your dog on a leash, especially on the busiest trails.

Respect the signs or fences of private property or hunting grounds.

Follow the established routes, don’t take shortcuts.

Control speed and braking, avoiding skids that erode the ground unnecessarily.

Do not litter.

Avoid clayey areas on muddy days due to rain or fog. Respect the route symbols.

Check your bike before you go out and always carry a repair kit.

Use a helmet, wear gloves, goggles and protection.

Know your physical condition and choose the route based on it. Always evaluate the gradient, not just the distance.

Keep an eye on weather forecasts, they can be changeable.

It is recommended to do the routes with GPS navigation support. The routes are not physically signposted.

It is important to be insured in the practice of mountain biking, which is why we recommend obtaining a federal license or private accident insurance.

The Lo Podall association will not be held responsible for the implicit risks involved in a sporting activity of this type, such as falls, making dangerous descents, misdirection, misuse of common spaces with other activities, etc. Also, it will not be held responsible for the misuse of the routes or for possible imprudences committed by users.