Cresta del Xut

A fairly rolling route that will take us by paths and some road sections to the Cresta del Xut, a ridge of clayey terrain similar to the Dragon Khan. Once the winding section of the ridge is over, we will pass two rivers that always bring water, be careful on days after heavy rains as the flow of these can increase and it may be necessary to take off your shoes. After the river, you will reach Fontsagrada, where you can drink water. We continue on tarmac and track until we find the Abeller path, then Bartotrail, Dalton’s, Verneda, Pont de Fusta and finally climb up the track to Tremp.

ATTENTION! This route is not allowed due to the nesting of endangered birds from October 1st to May 31st.

On this route you must pay close attention to the weather!

ATTENTION! This route is not allowed due to the nesting of endangered birds from October 1st to May 31st.

Being clayey terrain, on days of heavy rains, even the next day or days after, we will find a lot of mud that will prevent us riding. Furthermore, the rivers at the end of the ridge can carry a lot of water and could be dangerous to cross it.

On days with adverse conditions, we recommend directly changing the area and doing the Driblant Lo Fang route.

The best time of year to go on this route is either in Autumn or in Spring.

On days when the ground is wet and compact, due to rain and humidity in previous weeks, the best grip conditions are given to fly over the clay soil of our territory

Normally, the best conditions for this route occur in spring and autumn.

Extreme caution must be taken on the descents, because the very dry clay does not have the grip desired by cyclists.


Give way to other cyclists and walkers, warn of your arrival in time and slow down.

Do not scare the animals by shouting or making unnecessary noise. You are in their environment.

Take your dog on a leash, especially on the busiest trails.

Respect the signs or fences of private property or hunting grounds.

Follow the established routes, don’t take shortcuts.

Control speed and braking, avoiding skids that erode the ground unnecessarily.

Do not litter.

Avoid clayey areas on muddy days due to rain or fog. Respect the route symbols.

Check your bike before you go out and always carry a repair kit.

Use a helmet, wear gloves, goggles and protection.

Know your physical condition and choose the route based on it. Always evaluate the gradient, not just the distance.

Keep an eye on weather forecasts, they can be changeable.

It is recommended to do the routes with GPS navigation support. The routes are not physically signposted.

It is important to be insured in the practice of mountain biking, which is why we recommend obtaining a federal license or private accident insurance.

The Lo Podall association will not be held responsible for the implicit risks involved in a sporting activity of this type, such as falls, making dangerous descents, misdirection, misuse of common spaces with other activities, etc. Also, it will not be held responsible for the misuse of the routes or for possible imprudences committed by users.